Calculate the carbon footprint of each transaction
In addition to the carbon footprint, this API also returns additional data such as retailer sustainability credentials, retailer logo, carbon footprint equivalences.
Example Request
"transactions": [
"amount": -8.50,
"currency": "GBP",
"description": "PRET A MANGER",
"timestamp": "2022-09-24T18:46:13+00:00",
"referenceId": "yayzy-transaction-04",
"mcc": "7641",
"transactionType": "debit",
"endUserId": "yayzy-user-04",
"categoriesDefault": ["Restaurants", "Cafe"],
"endUserPreferences": {
"dietType": "vegan"
Example Response
"transactions": [
"_id": "632b100e651d0a9dab5e33a6",
"amount": -8.5,
"referenceId": "yayzy-transaction-04",
"description": "Pret a Manger",
"carbonFootprint": 1.56,
"category": {
"_id": "60c21ea6e088574facaa4969",
"name": "Fast Food",
"parentCategory": {
"_id": "60c2207aef7a224f78e5bebc",
"name": "Food & Dining"
"merchant": {
"_id": "60db0efb200cf72884b323e7",
"name": "Pret a Manger",
"logoUrl": "",
"sustainabilityEffort": "pledged"
"equivalances": [
"name": "kmDrivenInSmallCar",
"value": 10.15
"name": "beefSteaks",
"value": 0.12
"name": "treesCutPerYear",
"value": 0
"name": "tripsFromLondonToRome",
"value": 0
"name": "sqFeetArticSeaIceLoss",
"value": 0.05
Note: transactionType is required.